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The DerivedStore is a store that can be used to obtain a value derived from other stores. It will automatically run its callback when the first subscriber subscribes, and whenever any of its store dependencies change.

Creating a DerivedStore

In its simplest form, a DerivedStore takes a single store and returns a transformed value:

import { WriteStore, DerivedStore } from '@xeito/store';

const store1 = new WriteStore(1);
const derived = new DerivedStore(store1, store1 => store1 * 2);

We can also pass in multiple stores by passing in an array as the first argument of the store's constructor:

import { WriteStore, DerivedStore } from '@xeito/store';

const store1 = new WriteStore(1);
const store2 = new WriteStore(2);

const derived = new DerivedStore([store1, store2], ([store1, store2]) => store1 * store2);

If we pass an array of stores, the callback will be passed an array of values as the first argument in the same order as the stores.

The callback function

The callback function can have multiple forms, as we've seen above, it can take in a value and return a new value for the store. But it also receives a set() function as its second argument that can be used to update the value asynchronously.

Also, if the callback returns a function, it will be called in two cases:

  1. Whenever the callback runs again.
  2. When the last subscriber unsubscribes.
const userData = new DerivedStore(userId, (userId, set) => {
    .then(response => response.json())
    .then(data => set(data));
  return () => {
    // Do something when the store is no longer needed
    // or the callback runs again.

Default value

We can also pass a third argument to the DerivedStore constructor to set a default value for the store before the callback runs.

const userData = new DerivedStore(userId, (userId, set) => {
    .then(response => response.json())
    .then(data => set(data));
  return () => {
    // Do something when the store is no longer needed
    // or the callback runs again.
}, { name: 'Loading...' });

userData.value; // { name: 'Loading...' }

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