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The WriteStore is the most basic of the stores. It allows you to write data to it and read it back. Let's begin by creating a WriteStore:

import { WriteStore } from '@xeito/store';

const store = new WriteStore('initial value');


Once we have the WriteStore created, we can be notified when the value changes by using the .subscribe method and passing a callback to it:

import { WriteStore } from '@xeito/store';

const store = new WriteStore('initial value');

store.subscribe((value) => {
  console.log('The value changed to', value);

The store will call the callback inmediately with the current value it contains.


The .subscribe method returns an object with the .unsubscribe method, which can be used to unsubscribe from the store:

import { WriteStore } from '@xeito/store';

const store = new WriteStore('initial value');

const subscription = store.subscribe((value) => {
  console.log('The value changed to', value);

subscription.unsubscribe(); // We won't be notified anymore

Reading the value without subscribing

We can also get the current value of the store (without subscribing to it) by reading the .value property:

import { WriteStore } from '@xeito/store';

const store = new WriteStore('initial value');

console.log(store.value); // 'initial value'

Setting a new value

Finally, we can write a new value to the store by using the .set method:

import { WriteStore } from '@xeito/store';

const store = new WriteStore('initial value');

store.subscribe((value) => {
  console.log(value); // Logs 'initial value'

store.set('new value'); // Logs 'new value' in the subscription

Store callback

It's also possible to pass a second argument to the WriteStore constructor, this must be a function that will be called when the number of subscribers goes from zero to one, but not afterwards. This function receives a single set function that can be used to change the value of the store and it must return a stop function that will be called when the last subscriber unsubscribes (one to zero).

import { WriteStore } from '@xeito/store';

const store = new WriteStore('initial value', (set) => {
  // Change the value every second after the first subscriber subscribes
  const interval = setInterval(() => {
    set('new value'); 
  }, 1000);

  // Stop the interval when the last subscriber unsubscribes
  return () => {

Update method

Another way to change the value of the store is by using the .update method. This method receives a function that will be called with the current value of the store and must return the new value:

import { WriteStore } from '@xeito/store';

const store = new WriteStore(0);

store.subscribe((value) => {
  console.log(value); // Logs 0

store.update((value) => value + 1); // Logs 1 in the subscription

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